Tools designed to make decisions easier.
Hourly Insights
Forecast insights have been added to the hourly forecast to give you direct commentary on forecast risks, details and where automated data may need to adjust. Never worry about whether an hourly forecast is right or wrong - a meteorologist will be able to put their direct input into the forecast and ensure you can be confident with your decisions.
Daily Insights
Insights on the daily forecasts have been added to allow our meteorologists to give more detailed commentary on the pattern ahead. Storm systems can shift, droughts can dry rains up and data won't always see it. The daily insights give you a new way to plan ahead more effectively and efficiently with BAM Weather.
The most critical forecast information within Clarity will be in the NowCast section. Now casts give you pressing weather information as soon as you open the platform allowing you to ACT ASAP. Imminent weather impacts are often the most crucial information we provide and now instead of worrying about it being lost in a chat - it will be available as needed right on the Now Screen.
Clarity in Forecasts
The maps tab is more customized than ever. Instead of limiting maps to a certain period - our meteorologists can now create *any* custom maps that can provide you with more information to plan ahead. Whether it's a potential winter storm, severe weather event or a pattern favorable for flooding rains - you will find our custom thoughts in this section.
Clarity's radar will be THE standard for composite, interactive radars in the weather industry. With increased speed and functionality plus a modern design, you won't need any other radars in your pocket. Plus, enjoy new tools for both observed and future products and enjoy an increased ability to visualize/navigate between your locations.
Hourly Metrics
Get what you want - skip what you don't. We have tools beneficial for every industry - such as the spray forecast for Ag, PaveCast for snow and WBGT for schools. With Clarity, select which version of the hourly forecast you want to see and be more efficient when analyzing our forecast products and data. We have specific sections for Ag and Winter!
With Clarity's chat feature, consult directly with a meteorologist anytime you need to make a critical decision. In the chat section, you'll get the specific, actionable forecast details you need within moments of reaching out so you can always be confident with your decision making.
Custom Business Packages Only
Threshold Alerts
Certain levels of temperatures, wind, visibility, etc. can not only cause damage, but threaten people's safety. You can set up notifications to alert you when any specific location you are monitoring has reached that threshold. Get alerted with rain, snow or fog is in the forecast and when current conditions reach your set thresholds!
It can be challenging to determine a treatment plan for wintry events with marginal temperatures. Sometimes snow melts on contact, sometimes it sticks. Will road temperatures be too warm for ice to accrete? With PaveCast you can stop guessing, get road temperature and condition forecasts for multiple different pavement types!
Custom Business Packages Only
Lightning Alerts
BAM's customizable lightning alerts allow you to receive notifications when lightning has entered designated rings. Plus, customize a countdown timer so you know when your location is clear from lightning threats.
Custom Business Packages Only
Video Updates
BAM's meteorologists will produce daily local video updates within Clarity and more customized and specific video updates within your daily and hourly insights. Breakdowns of key points will help you focus on what matters to you most!
Do you have multiple different teams/groups focused on different locations/priorities? With Clarity you can set up separate teams to get rid of the noise and allow your employees to focus price solely on the locations and weather data they need to be successful.
Custom Business Packages Only
Tutorials and Order of Importance
Outdoor Events
Snow Removal
Personal Users
Order of Importance: Clarity Features
1. Now Casts
The Now Casts will likely be one of the first things you see in the app – and there’s a reason for that. Time sensitive and impactful weather information will go here for you to ACT as quickly as possible. We recommend checking here first for details on immediate or impending weather situations.
2. Chat Feature (Business Subscription Only)
As with the Weather Porthole, the chat feature still provides the most value of all of Clarity’s feature. When it is time to make critical and expensive decisions for your operation, this still should be your go-to to ensure you have our meteorologists most customized and up-to-date thoughts for your exact location and situation.
3. Hourly Forecast Insights
The hourly forecast insights increase the value of the hourly data in Clarity exponentially. Check for any forecast insights that may be active in your hourly data to get a better idea of where data may be missing the forecast or where our meteorologists have expanded on the forecast in more detail.
4. Hour-by-Hour Forecast Data
For the forecast within 24 hours, we also recommend checking hourly data before the 10-day app data. Always check for forecast insights first, but the hourly data should be your next stop before checking the day 1 forecast on the 10-day.
5. Daily Forecast Insights
Daily insights provide forecast information especially for beyond 24 hours. These insights will be where our meteorologists expand on the 10-day data so you better understand forecast risks, details, etc. We have designed this so you can stop guessing what a 30% chance of rain 4 days out truly means.
6. Video Tab
The video tab will be where meteorologists provide an update on the pattern ahead. These are discussions lasting a few minutes that details risks, trends to watch for, our main concerns, timing, impacts, etc.
7. 10-Day Forecast
This will be where we recommend checking out a quick snapshot of the next 10 days. This data is comprised of dozens of computer models that allows for the most accurate forecast possible. As mentioned above, daily insights will be housed within the 10 day forecast. If you do not see an insight present for a day, that means the meteorologists agree with the automated forecast data on the 10 day.
8. Future Radar Products
Need a visual as to the forecast ahead? Check out the radar tab and the “future” layer. You will find future radar, winds, visibility, as well as rain/snow/ice forecasts going out the next week. We always recommend checking hourly/daily insights from our meteorologists first, but these tools are awesome visuals!
YES! Check out our the benefits for your industry by following the links below!
Check out the tools that will help you navigate weather for your specific industry!
Clarity by BAM Weather
Our Clarity Pro subscription is ideal for individuals and professionals making operational decisions related to weather. Our Business level of Clarity is an elite weather forecast experience designed for larger organizations, government, schools, events, etc. that need more refined and specialized industry tools, expert insights, consulting and need multi-user access.
After you sign up, you will be able to log in with your username and password on claritywx.com. You can then click the pencil button and start adding locations to monitor! You can also download the Clarity app through the App Store or Google Play Store on a phone or tablet and access forecast information there.
Go to claritywx.com/sign-up, enter your contact information, select which options/features you want and then check-out with one of the payment methods!
The pro plan is great for companies, professionals and individuals whose bottom line is impacted by weather! The pro plan is ideal for those needing more detailed expert analysis and data than standard weather sources to assist with critical decisions.
The Business plan is ideal for larger organizations that need more customized solutions, multi-user access, specialized, industry specific tools and more.
If you have any questions, please fill out the form at BAMWX.com/contact-bam/ so we can get you an answer ASAP!
Clarity has been uniquely designed to give real, human forecast insights. So often, weather forecasts from free apps and competitors is completely automated. Automated data is still prone to major forecast errors and left unchecked can cause you to make costly decisions. You get to hear from a real person from the local news and the NWS, but they don’t give you the specifics you need for your specific operation.
With Clarity, we combine the latest technology with detailed forecast commentary directly from our meteorologists. If you need more info, you can simply send us a chat and we’ll provide you more specifics. Impending inclement weather? We’ll time out precise timing and impacts for you.
With Clarity, you’re not just getting a weather forecast, you’re getting weather SUPPORT from a team of dedicated meteorologists.