Good morning! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Week 1 Precipitation Forecast: Week 2 Precipitation Forecast: Week 3 Precipitation Forecast: Week 4 Precipitation Forecast (be sure to check out the video for more details/ risks):
Good morning! Here is your latest South America Update: September - November Precipitation Outlook: September - November Temperature Outlook:
Good afternoon! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Here is a look at rainfall amounts over the next 7 days: Here is a look at the preferred week 2 precipitation amounts (more details in the video):
Good afternoon! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Here is the preferred rainfall amounts over the next 7 days: Here is a look at the preferred week 2 Precipitation anomaly (more info in the video): Here is a look at the preferred week 3 precipitation anomaly…
Good afternoon! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Here is a look at the week 1 precipitation amounts outlook: Here is a look at the preferred week 2 precipitation anomaly outlook (this is the same data I showed in the week 2 timeframe in the video, just represented slightly differently…
Good morning! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Preferred week 1 precipitation amounts: Here is a look at the week 2 precipitation anomaly (more details in video): Here is a look at the preferred weeks 3/4 precipitation anomaly.
Good afternoon! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Preferred week 1 precipitaiton amounts: Preferred week 2 precipitation anomaly: Here is a look at the preferred week 3 precipitation anomaly: Here is a look at the preferred week 4 precipitation anomaly:
Good morning! Here is your latest South America Forecast Update: Week 1 Precipitation: Week 2 Precipitation Anomaly: Preferred week 3 Precipitation Anomaly: Preferred week 4 Precipitation anomaly: