BAM Weather Intelligence
Integrate the nation’s most detailed, accurate and innovative weather information via the BAM Weather API. Learn why multiple different industries and businesses rely on BAM Weather for weather data for any point across the United States for powerful ongoing, hourly, daily and historical weather information.
BAM Weather API Data

Current Weather API
Integrate an accurate depiction of ongoing weather conditions into your applications and platforms with BAMWX’s Weather API. Utilize detailed, reliable weather data for a consistently accurate picture of weather observations across the United States. BAMWX’s Weather API has been meticulously designed with intelligent icon logic and advanced observation data to provide the most realistic depiction of weather to the end user.

Historical Weather & Climatology API
Use historical weather data to monitor trends in an evolving climate. BAMWX’s Weather API will provide you a variety of data endpoints to assist numerous industries. Weather insights into the past will help ensure no high impact event or influential weather data is left behind. Plus, ensure users understand exactly what typical conditions yield for multiple weather variables

Daily Forecast API
Utilize forecast variables for 24 hour timeframes out to 10 days. Integrate the world’s most comprehensive set of weather data into your platform or for your clients. Daily API forecast integration is pushed out multiple times daily to ensure weather intelligence is consistently updated for evolving conditions.

Hourly Forecast API
Ensure your end-users are updated with the most accurate and advanced short-term weather data in the United States. Dozens of tools out to 30 hours are available to monitor impending weather forecast trends. Pull precise weather information and users can utilize to best suit their needs.
Explore our Data Brochure
Determine what data best suits your needs with our brochure below! Explore each type of weather variable, the availability on each version of the BAM Weather API and the specific parameters available for each variable and API combination! For example, click “climatology” under temperature and you’ll see that Max and Min Temperatures are available for use on the Climatology API!
- Max Temperature
- Min Temperature
- 2 Meter Temperature
- 2 Meter Temperatures
- Low Temperature
- High Temperature
- Range of Min to Max Low Temperature
- Range of Min to Max High Temperature
- High Temperature
- Low Temperature
- Total Precip
- Radar Reflectivity
- Recent Rainfall Totals
- Forecasted Rain Accumulation
- Forecasted Rain Accumulation
- Forecasted Range of Minimum to Maximum Rain Accumulation
- Observed Rain Accumulation
- Snow Totals
- Precipitation Type
- Forecasted Snow Accumulation
- Forecasted Ice Accumulation
- Forecasted Snow Accumulation
- Forecasted Ice Accumulation
- Forecasted Range of Minimum to Maximum Snow Accumulation
- Forecasted Range of Minimum to Maximum Ice Accumulation
- Observed Ice Accumulations
- Observed Snow Accumulations
- Wind Direction
- Wind Speed
- Wind Gust
- Wind Direction
- Wind Speed
- Wind Gust
- Wind Direction
- Wind Speed
- Wind Gust
- Wind Direction
- Max Wind Gust
- Min Wind Gust
- Max Wind Speed
- Min Wind Speed
- Dew Point
- Visibility
- Cloud Cover
- Relative Humidity
- Dew Point
- Relative Humidity
- Cloud Cover
- Visibility
- Dew Point
- Relative Humidity
- Cloud Cover
- Max Cloud Cover
- Min Cloud Cover
- Max Dew Point
- Min Dew Point
- Max Visibility
- Min Visibility
- Daily Growing Degree Days
- Seasonal Growing Degree Days
- Spraying Conditions Forecast
- Evapotranspiration Rates
- Soil Temperatures
- Spraying Conditions Forecast
- Growing Degree Day Forecast
- Air Pressure
- Mean Sea Level Pressure
- Pressure Trend
- Surface Pressure
- Maximum Air Pressure
- Minimum Air Pressure
Feels Like
- 2 Meter Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
- Wind Chill
- Heat Index
- 2 Meter Wet Bulb Temperature
- Feels Like Temperature
- 2 Meter Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
- Thunderstorm Probability
- Probability of Precipitation
- Probability of Snow
- AM Thunderstorm Probabilities
- PM Thunderstorm Probabilities
- AM Probability of Precipitation
- PM Probability of Precipitation
- Probability of Snow
- Probability of Ice