Friday Weather Package

Friday Weather Package

Good morning! Here are the updated 7-day forecasts: Observed rainfall in the past 24 hours below: Total anticipated rainfall through 2 PM Eastern on Saturday: Wind forecast over the next 4 days: Here is a graphic highlighting the evolution of showers and storms Saturday.  Just know confidence - especially from…
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6-14-19 Illinois: Very active weekend ahead.  Details here. N.

6-14-19 Illinois: Very active weekend ahead. Details here. N.

Video: Check out the graphic below for our current thoughts on how things evolve through the weekend.  Expect showers and isolated storms to become more numerous late tonight into Saturday morning, then we watch a possible complex of storms to target south-central Illinois late Saturday AM into the afternoon.…
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6-13-19 Kansas/Nebraska: Storms widely scattered into Sat AM….more widespread for KS late Saturday….details here. N.

6-13-19 Kansas/Nebraska: Storms widely scattered into Sat AM….more widespread for KS late Saturday….details here. N.

Video: Good morning!  Enjoying a dry and pleasant morning across the area.  Here is a glance at what to expect today: Total rainfall through Saturday AM: Scattered nature of showers and storms, with highest risk Friday night.  *We will watch parts of east-central Kansas/Nebraska for a localized heavier rain…
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6-13-19 Ohio: Cool & windy today, still anticipating an “unsettled” weekend of weather ahead of us into early next week. K.

6-13-19 Ohio: Cool & windy today, still anticipating an “unsettled” weekend of weather ahead of us into early next week. K.

Today's video: Observed rainfall over the past 24 hours is below: Total anticipated rainfall over the next 60 hours...anticipating the heaviest rainfall potential through Friday afternoon across central / eastern parts of the state ~0.5-1.5", lesser amounts south and west: Wind forecast over the next 4 days...again, very gusty…
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