About us: Our company specializes in delivering forecasts in a simple yet unique way. We forecast for multiple industries including agricultural, snow removal, landscape, special events, schools, and more. Our main goal is to assist your business or organization in high-cost decision support based on accurate weather analytics.
“Why” our weather service is a huge benefit over free weather sources/apps: Our forecasts are built using all meteorological data and information available to us including outside the box approaches to forecasting called “organic forecasting.” This methodology helps us to teleconnect patterns around the globe to predict weather patterns in the U.S. several weeks out. We also use an analog approach to our long range forecasting where we look at years with similar atmospheric conditions to the present to come up with a forecast. Free weather apps are simply built off of raw model data which is often times inaccurate and can change significantly in short time scales. Having a weather team with the education and experience sets us far apart from the rest. We also strive to be as transparent as possible with our forecasts in communicating forecast uncertainty and risks.
Free weather sources vs. BAM: Relying on free weather information including local television forecasts can cost you and your company big-time money. Here is an example of a snow event in late November of 2015 comparing the local television forecasts vs. ours and the actual outcome. Instead of only relying on one or two pieces of data and television ratings, we analyze all forecast data at hand to deliver you the most accurate forecast as possible.
Our agenda-free and customer tailored forecasts are perfect for an array of multiple industries. Snow removal companies need to know when to start paying their staff and when to pre-treat roadways. Knowing the fine-details in the forecast (such as temperatures, precipitation types, any potential rain to wash pre-treatment away, refreezing, etc.) can be the difference between making $5000 or losing $5000. Our on-call forecasting is a huge advantage for your company where you can text/call our team of meteorologists to provide you the latest forecast information whenever you need it! We also offer professional road treatment consulting, with over 30 years of experience on how to effectively and properly treat roadways during winter storms. Here are a few testimonials from our clients:
Stop wasting your time on free, inaccurate weather information: The time has come to quit guessing which local television/radio/app forecast is correct and waiting to check the latest local television forecast. This can take too much time and cause frustration. It would be wiser to spend $1500 now on our weather service than to lose $50,000 later because you were trying to guess the outcome. Why base a decision on a guess when you can have accurate weather information to guide your business and in the long run save money thanks to proper decision-making! Recent studies suggest the private weather forecasting industry is nearly a two billion dollar industry. “A weather forecast has value if it can be used to make decisions that yield attractive benefits, big $ savings & prevent loss of life and property!”
Industry leading weather services vs. BAM: Our forecasts have continued to beat the competition at a fraction of the cost! As an example, here is a comparison of the industry leader MDA’s May and August temperature outlooks vs. our forecast and the actual outcome. Our extensive research and methods into building these outlooks prove to be very accurate time and time again.
Our team will be hosting a FREE Winter Outlook Webinar next Tuesday – September 19, 2017 at 2pm EDT! To be able to watch our webinar, you need to sign-up at bamwx.com/webinar. Our team has been doing extensive research on how the pattern may evolve heading into winter. Here is a look at what years with the closest match to current atmospheric conditions produced across the U.S. in regards to temperatures and precipitation from normal in December-February.
Here is peek at the snowfall from normal forecast in January from the POAMA-2 model:
Be sure to tune into our winter webinar on Tuesday for all of our preliminary thoughts on the upcoming winter! You will not want to miss it! Hopefully this blog gave you a better understanding of what we do and why our local forecasts are unmatched from the competition. Have a blessed day.
Don’t forget to watch our winter weather webinar Tuesday, September 19th at 2pm EDT, you need to sign-up at bamwx.com/webinar.