#NYwx #PAwx #NJwx #CTwx #MAwx #RIwx Heavy Rain and Flooding Friday Into Saturday! E.

#NYwx #PAwx #NJwx #CTwx #MAwx #RIwx Heavy Rain and Flooding Friday Into Saturday! E.

Key Points: May 4, 2017

Synopsis: Good morning! We are tracking rains approaching from the west across Ohio and PA through today. These will spread east through tomorrow with very wet conditions expected Friday into early Saturday across the region. This will continue through early next week as a large upper level disturbance sits and spins across the Northeast. Temperatures and precipitation will stay below normal and above normal respectively through the middle of May. 

Current radar shows rains entering Ohio and western PA this morning. 

Rains spread eastward tonight into Friday and likely linger into Saturday.

Total rainfall through Saturday morning is impressive with a widespread 1-3 inches.

Cool and plenty of rain chances continue into next week and even toward mid-month. Temperatures will average 5-10°F below normal in week 1 and 3-5°F below normal into week 2 with wet times continuing. Certainly not ideal May weather!

The video below covers things in a bit more detail! ~Ed