Steve, Good evening going over the latest data here this evening and the remainder of the showers off to the west have proven to not be handled well by forecast models. A light drizzle or mist and a few showers are certainly still in the forecast this evening. A look at hour by hour data for the area specifically below shows the rain threat this evening nicely. (Note cloud cover % not valid when it says rain assume overcast)
Radar loop over the last few hours shows the rain has stalled for the time being but as the system departs to the NE I do think rain is in the forecast from 6-10pm off and on. This is not a heavy rain but it will be enough to be annoying.
Forecast radar from the HRRR shows rain entering at 7pm and exiting at 10pm with ~0.20″ of new water possible.
As the front passes around 9/10 pm winds will pick up and gust to around 30-35 mph out of the NW which the hour by hour data will not pick up on above so I have shown it below. The rain and moisture should abruptly shut off as the front passes. The winds will calm as the front moves further east.
Please let me know if you have any other questions ill be around all evening.
Michael Clark