7-12-19 Minnesota: Short Term Update through Saturday night.V.

Good Friday afternoon!

Here is a current look at radar as of 3:30  PM CT. We are watching a some light rain in the southern parts of the state work its way East:

This cluster should continue to work its way E into Wisconsin as the afternoon  and evening progresses. Below is an illustration of the upper level energy for the rest of the evening and throughout the day tomorrow. As mentioned, this afternoon we will watch our rain and storms work out of the state. Tonight brings the chance for some spotty hit and miss storm chances for the southern third of MN as we have some energy still lingering around that could produce some hit and miss storms. The next area of upper level energy we need to watch is overnight and into the pre-dawn hours in the SW corner of MN. Data is hinting at most of this energy staying around the IA/MN/SD border, but this cluster could contain some powerful storms with high winds being the primary concern. The morning looks to have a round of rain for the West Central parts of MN that will come in from the NW around sunrise. Our afternoon brings the potential for very isolated hit and miss storms in the central portions of MN as our energy is not as strong and in more of a broad area. As we get into Saturday evening, data is suggesting the possibility of some cells popping up in N MN:

Below is a summary of where and when we think the highest potential for rainfall occurs throughout the next 36 hours. This is not saying that areas outside of the circles will stay completely dry, however these are the areas where the highest potential is. The highest potential for S MN is the rest of Fri and into the early AM hours Sat, Central MN looks to have the highest potential Sat AM and iso storms in the afternoon, and N MN has the highest potential Sat evening:

Here is a look at simulated radar from 7 AM CT Saturday until 4 PM CT Saturday afternoon. Note that the focus for the highest rain chances come in the West Central and SW parts of the state:

A look at rainfall guidance out until Saturday at 7 PM CT. We think this model is under playing the rain that moves through the MN/ND/SD border, and is not showing the potential for pop ups in the afternoon tomorrow. We do not think this rain in the AM in the West Central parts of MN will be extreme amounts, however we do expect a general 0.1 to 0.5 inches that is not being shown on this model. While the afternoon pop up coverage will not be widespread (~30%) in Central MN, we do think there is that potential that needs to be mentioned: 

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] ! Enjoy your evening!