Total rain through today:
Wind forecast over the next 4 days: Expect a very breezy northwest wind today, parts of northeast Indiana see gusts 30-40mph.
Watch today’s video for more details on the weekend breakdown. We see a wave of showers and iso. storms Friday night into Saturday morning. Another wave may follow early afternoon Saturday, followed by more numerous storms by late afternoon/evening across the northern half of the state initially, then increasing Saturday night across the area. There is a risk for some storms to be strong to severe. Coverage can initially slacken off Sunday morning, but Sunday afternoon through Monday AM looks particularly active with flash flood potential increasing. Rain totals of 1.50″ to 3.50″ rainfall possible by Monday afternoon.
Signs point to the front possibly shoving south for Tuesday, leading to lower storm coverage, but the risk looks to ramp back up mid next week. Confidence is lower regarding timing and coverage next week, but the bottom line is that there will be no sustained drier periods.
Temperature charts over the next 10 days:
Fort Wayne: