500 Festival Forecast – Wednesday

4/26/17 500 Festival Forecast – Wednesday:

Synopsis: Good Wednesday morning, the forecast will cover the educational programs today and Friday this week. Weather on Wednesday remains relatively quiet, meanwhile Friday a 30-40% chance for storms exists that could create a weather-related hazard.

Wednesday: Today will feature a high of 82ºF with mostly sunny skies and winds out of the south-southwest at 5-10mph, at times gusting to 20-25mph. Showers and storms move east later tonight ahead of a cold front, but they won’t move in until later tonight. We do not anticipate the winds being a weather-related hazard here, but they could be a little gusty in spurts.

Friday: We have a tricky forecast here because we have some data that brings in some scattered showers earlier than others. Right now we are keeping the risk for 30-40% scattered storms throughout the event, with a high of 72º and winds out of the south-southeast at 5-10mph at times gusting to 20mph. Can’t rule out some storm-related weather hazards on Friday.

If you have any questions please let us know.
