5-22-19 Kansas: Several rounds of heavy storms late week through next week. Details here. N.

Today’s Video:

Here’s a look at the rainfall that fell over the past 72 hours:

Heavy storms will target the southeast part of the state this evening…these initiate after 4pm.  Storms will train and lead to flash flooding.  Check out the forecast rainfall tonight. 

All modes of severe possible, including tornadoes this evening.  Highest threat after 4pm through midnight.

More storms Thursday.  This time, central parts of the state will be the focus of heavy storms Thursday afternoon and evening.  More storms focus over the central and east-central areas Friday.  Here is the forecast rainfall through Friday 1pm: 

Total rainfall next 7 days:

Wind forecast guidance over the next 4 days:

Temperature/precipitation charts over the next 10 days:

Garden City:


