4-2-18 Northern Plains: Tracking two waves of accumulating snow. B.

Today’s Video:

Good Monday morning everyone!

We’re watching the first of two waves of snow develop over portions of North and South Dakota and Minnesota this morning. This snow will expand and continue into tonight. 

This first wave continues to produce snow for Central Minnesota into around midnight tonight. Meanwhile snow associated with the second wave will build in the western Dakotas this evening.

Total snow accumulation from the first wave into tonight will be around 3-5″ in the heaviest band with isolated higher amounts especially in the Western Dakotas along the border of North/South Dakota. 

Timing of second wave: Late this evening ~9PM the wave really starts to ramp up in the Western Dakotas and then shifts south and east with the heaviest snow impacting south Dakota overnight. Snow begins in Southern Minnesota overnight and heavy snow really picks up tomorrow morning and into the afternoon for that area. Snow should push off to the east and end around midnight tomorrow.

Widespread 4-7″ with isolated higher totals is likely for much of South Dakota and the southern half of Minnesota by tomorrow night.

Wind gusts up to 25 MPH could create visibility issues as well as blowing and drifting snow:

Here’s a look at the storm total precipitation and the 7-day totals from the European model:

Wind chills well below zero are likely tomorrow and Wednesday morning: 

Additional snow chances are possible from a piece of energy especially on Thursday. Overall, this will be a light event with a coating to 0.5″ for most areas that see snow:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out! Have a great day!