2-9-18 Southern INDOT Update: Latest details on potential freezing rain accumulation this weekend. N.

Video (6:45): 

Good Friday afternoon. 

Areas in the northern Indiana are seeing heavy snow today while the Southern INDOT districts are seeing mild conditions and even some sunshine! However, as we head throughout the weekend, precipitation chances will rise starting late this evening. We wouldn’t rule out some areas seeing some drizzle and spotty showers by midnight. Temperatures are very warm right now and will not drop enough to cause issues tonight. Extreme northern parts of the district could reach freezing temperatures briefly tomorrow morning. However, there likely won’t be many issues given warm road temperatures. Temperature should rise above freezing throughout the daytime Saturday.

As we approach Saturday evening, temperatures will begin to fall and increase the chances of freezing rain for much of the southern INDOT districts around 7PM on Saturday. Temperatures will fall throughout the night and freezing rain and drizzle will linger all night for much of the districts. However, the southern-most row of counties could stay above freezing and miss out on this risk, but it’s something we’re going to watch carefully. The risk for freezing rain and drizzle will likely last into early Sunday afternoon.

Overall, we are looking at some ice accumulations by Sunday afternoon. This model may be overdoing totals by a bit due to initially warm surface/pavement temperatures, but it does highlight the expansive area at risk for ice accumulation and travel issues late Saturday and Sunday.

Finally, we are watching another wave that could impact areas along the river Sunday evening and overnight Sunday that could put down some additional frozen precipitation and cause further issues. There is still some disagreement among models on the exact details on this wave, so we will provide further updates and fine tune the details throughout the weekend.

If you have any questions, be sure to reach out. We will be providing additional updates throughout the weekend. Have a great rest of your Friday.