2-8-18 Northern INDOT Update: Latest details on accumulating snowfall tonight into Saturday Morning. K.

Video (6:00):

Good Thursday afternoon. We’re tracking snow that is already falling in portions of Iowa this afternoon. This will eventually work it’s way east into Northern Indiana as we work into the evening and overnight hours. Here’s a look at the current radar across the region:

Here’s a look at the latest warnings and advisories. Winter Storm Warnings/Watches are in effect for the northern-most counties in Indiana. 

It’s important to note that the current snow swath is a little further south and faster than modeled. It appears that the WRF-ARW model has the best handle on the timing and location of this wave. It has snow working into western portions of Northern Indiana by 7-8PM EST tonight. Snow will continue at a steady rate through late evening, into the overnight hours tonight and into the day tomorrow. Things could lighten up for a bit tomorrow afternoon/evening before another light waves moves into the region Friday night.

It’s important to note that we are expecting a very tight gradient of snow on the southern extent of this storm. The slightest shift a county north or south could take a county from 8-12″ to 1-3″ very easily. We will be carefully watching how models initialize vs. actual radar over the next 24 hours to correctly forecast this gradient. For example, the latest hi-res NAM initialized 25-50 miles or so too far north, so it’s likely too far north with the snow totals into Indiana. Considering this and the latest trends, here is our latest snowfall accumulation map into Saturday Morning.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out, hope you have great rest of your day!