2-5-18 Northern Plains Update: Very active week ahead with several chances of accumulating snow. B.

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Good Monday morning. We have some snow showers working across Southern South Dakota and Minnesota this morning. The heaviest bands should move off to the south and east throughout the day, but I wouldn’t rule out some residual snow showers in Southern South Dakota and Southern Minnesota into this afternoon.

High pressure will move in this afternoon into Northern and Western portions of the Northern Plains allowing for clear skies and plummeting temperatures overnight tonight. With snow cover, clear skies and high pressure, expect temperatures to drop well below zero across much of the area tonight. 

We’ll start the day sunny tomorrow, but we do see a piece of energy move in especially in the Eastern Dakota and Minnesota that will lay down a light swath of accumulating snow. 

Dry air could limit snow at first, but once we saturate, cold temperatures will allow for snow to accumulate quickly. Overall, this is a quick-hitting light snow, but wouldn’t rule out an inch or so in much of Minnesota into Tuesday night.

High pressure works back in overnight Tuesday and into Wednesday morning, but a stream of energy will setup late Wednesday and linger in the area into the weekend. Scattered snow showers will begin late Wednesday and set the stage for snow to fall without many breaks from Thursday into Saturday over the same areas. 

Both the GFS and European models are similar in indicating heavy snow through Friday night with additional snow on Saturday. The entire state of South Dakota will pick up a good amount by the weekend and I wouldn’t rule out up to 10″ in isolated spots by Saturday morning.

We’ll be watching the snow potential throughout this week and keep you update on how this active pattern evolves! Have a great day!