2-4-18 Illinois Update: Eyeing multiple chances of snow to begin the week. B.

Good Sunday Morning! 

Much of the overnight snow has pushed off to the east into Indiana and Ohio.

However, we still have a light band of snow that will work through along the arctic front this afternoon. Temperatures will drop throughout much of the day from Northwest to Southeast and snow will develop along this arctic front especially in Central and Southern Illinois beginning in the early afternoon.

With temperatures dropping we wouldn’t rule out a quick coating on roadways this afternoon and into the evening. However, all snow looks to depart between 5-7PM CST this evening. Generally, accumulations will be limited to a coating to an isolated half inch. The biggest impact to roadways will likely be from refreeze this evening into tonight as any wet pavements will likely refreeze with temperatures falling well below freezing tonight.

After this system passes the next wave will move in by Monday afternoon. Initially, dry air will likely prevent much snow from reaching the ground, but by Monday evening snow will be falling especially in Northern Illinois. Snow looks to quickly push off to the east overnight on Monday.

The dynamics are present to support a band of heavy snowfall with this system. It appears Northern Illinois is in the best position for that heavy band of snow, however, there are still disagreements in where exactly this band will set up. For example, here’s the latest snowfall totals for this system from the GFS, NAM, hi-res NAM, and European model. 

As you can see there’s still a sizable difference between the higher-res NAM models and the global models on where the heaviest snow will fall. It’s something we’re going to keep an extremely close eye on tonight and into tomorrow morning. Regardless, a heavy band of 4-6″+ cannot be ruled out with this system especially for Northern Illinois. 

Then next system looks to develop overnight Tuesday and into Wednesday with additional snow accumulations possible for much of the state. 

We’re going to be carefully analyzing these potential snow systems over the next few days. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out! Hope you have a great Sunday!