Brownstown Central High Schools navigates winter weather, tornadoes with Clarity by BAM Weather.

Jade Peters has been assistant superintendent at Brownstown Central High School since 2016. Peter’s life revolves around weather. Whether it is for the safety of students and staff, his snow-removal business, or keeping up as a weather enthusiast, weather plays an important role.

“One of the toughest things in our job [as school administrators] is figuring out what to do in those tough weather situations,” Peters said. “Always having some more knowledge and education is critical in our decision making.”

Brownstown Central High School officially partnered with BAM Weather in the summer of 2022. With ample free weather sources, many can be leary at first about paying for weather information, but the investment immediately paid off for Peters. 

“When the first chance of snow in [Winter 2022-23] came, being able to use the chat feature was huge for us,” Peters noted. “Being able to get the specific forecast for timing and totals for our exact location is a very useful tool.”

Key Features Utilized:

  • 24/7 Chat Feature

Located in south central Indiana, Brownstown is no stranger to wild weather. In addition to weather-related decisions during the wintertime, severe weather forecasts are also crucial to the school’s decision making. This proved true on April 2, 2023 when a wave of severe thunderstorms rolled through the state in the late afternoon.

“We were prepared to keep students until 5:30-6 PM that day because we didn’t want buses out there with the risk of a tornado,” Peters stated. “I know there were several schools that released early but I didn’t think that would be best for our students.”

By being able to talk to our team of meteorologists and get the detailed analyses for timing/risks, the corporation was able to release on time and get kids home safely before a tornado warning occurred just to their southeast.