Breaking the Cycle: Tornado sirens debunked & the core culture of BAMWX.

Breaking the Cycle: Break the mold of the way things are to end vicious cycles that prevent you from winning. In today’s episode Michael and Kirk discuss how these cycles can not only impact your personal life, but are continuing to impact the life-saving alert systems that are supposed to be in place to increase safety.

Wednesday’s storms across Central IN highlighted a serious issue with “trigger-happy” tornado sirens in some counties across the state. Sirens set off for storms that do not actually pose tornado threats (AKA false alarms) can desensitize people into not listening or adhering to these sirens when a real tornado emergency might develop. The podcast below analyzes the ongoing issues with sirens and common misconceptions about tornado warnings, tornadoes and the weather field in general.

Outside of weather, Michael details how he translated struggles from his childhood and during the first part of his co-ownership of BAMWX to fuel himself to push forward instead of looking back. Dive into this detailed discussion about how he found his “why” and how he uses those struggles as motivation rather than bitterness. The rest of the podcast below details how this mentality is driving the core values of BAMWX and how these values are helping BAM “break the cycle” and how you can use them to break your own vicious cycles and enhance your life.

Listen to the full podcast here: 

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